Friday, April 8, 2005

What kind of sick individual would do this?

Michael's cousin Gary Joe was shot Thursday morning in his office at the High School he is Athletic Director for. This is bizarre to me, because parents don't normally worry about their children being coaches. You would worry if your son/daughter was a firefighter or a police officer. But a TEACHER? Or a COACH? The man that shot him is the father of a student (a Freshman) who was kicked out of the Athletic Program. Apparently the father was suspended from stepping foot on campus a couple of weeks ago. What gets me about a lot of this is : the news is focusing solely on the shooter and not very much on Gary Joe. If I was GJ (his son) I would be looking for the son of this man to have "words." OK I probably wouldn't but still. Apparently Laurie (Gary Joe's wife) and GJ were on the hitmans list along with Gary Sr (Michael's uncle). This man tried to slit his wrists before police caught him. I think if he'd really wanted to die he would have put an AK bullet in his own head. But he didn't because he is a coward. A lowlife scum. He makes me sick.

The news is reporting that no vital organs were hit, but what we have been told is that his liver was hit and a chunk the size of a fist was taken out. The bullet is STILL lodged in Gary Joe's liver and they have packed his liver right now just to keep the bleeding from happening. They are doing reconstructive surgeries this weekend, but he is touch and go. They have given him a 70% chance to live and the DRs have said it's a miracle. If he wasn't as big and strong as he is he would have died instantly.

Our prayer is for a full and quick recovery. And that the man that did it isn't terminally ill (which he said he was) and that he lives a very long miserable life in PRISON.

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