Thursday, March 23, 2006

I Refuse... live life with regrets ever eat taco bell again stop eating healthy & working out now that I've finally started again raisse unhealthy kids buy junk food ever again compromise my integrity let an aerobics class beat me give up my dreams force my children to do things I wouldn't do ever stop learning be a lazy mom be a lazy wife settle let the little things get me down accept second best ever stop trying ever admit defeat be like everyone else let insignificant people bring me down make bad decisions ever again do nothing to stop embarassing my kids have anymore stupid fights with the people I love ever again disappoint anyone I care about, including myself let myself down stop caring ever stop loving my husband ever stop letting my love for my family and friends grow lose anymore friends go back to my old ways of living let anyone stand in my way be rude stoop to other peoples' levels accept stupidity let ignorance go unnoticed stand idly by and watch someone harm themselves abandon my blog for this long again....


Danny Sims said...

Good list. I like "to do nothing to stop embarassing my kids."

Emily said...

Its a mother's right to embarrass her kids!

Jenn said...

that's a great list!