Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Feel So Bad.....

....for Jason!!!! I picked him to win her heart from the very first day. I had my hopes all sorts of up, watching the two of them. But watching last night I saw her trying too hard to make her family like Jesse, and I saw SOMEONE at ABC got to Jesse and told him "dude you totally better ask her dad for his permission to marry his daughter if you want a shot at this thing...." I'll admit it. I cried when she didn't choose Jason. I cried at the thought that he must have been having that he left Ty for all those weeks "for nothing...." and it made me so sad. It's never fun to watch someone get their heart broken whether it's on TV or in real life. And it's sad. I felt really bad for him. I even felt a little bad for her during the after the final rose special....I believe she never intended to lead anyone one, but the fact remains that she did. And I cried for you, Jason. You'll find TRUE love.....and who knows, maybe you can be the next Bachelor!?!?!?!? :)

.....i watch too much reality tv.......


Anonymous said...

You do watch to much TV. If you quit for a week you won't even miss it. And with the $30-$50 you save every month you and your husband could go out on a date.

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...




wouldn't even miss it hahahahahahahahahahaha

you're funny anonymouse

Anonymous said...

I especially love the fact that anonymous did not know the difference between "to" and "too".

That's pretty kick ass...

Anonymous said...

tv is awesome