Friday, February 22, 2008


Can I just say thank GOD this week is over?!?! Well, OK...thank GOD this week is over!! What a nightmare at work, and I'm glad it's done.

Tomorrow is another working day, home health visits all day long. But anything will be better than this week has been!! Though I did meet an interesting person at work today, she's a professional photographer and oddly enough I'd been looking for one of those!! I want to take nature inspired family photos and she just so happens to fit that bill!! I just need to find out her prices....

The kids are beautiful. They are wonderful children. They make me happy. I never really knew love until them, and I'm so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be their mother.

I need to get my eyebrows done.

I want to get a pedicure but am scared of contracting some horrible disease.

I need a girls night out.

I need a date night with my husband.

I need some Mommy and kiddo time where we do something awesome and fun.

I want to lose more weight.

I want to get back in the gym.

I'm sick of being sick.

I have found my patience stretched, tried, and tested, and yet I persevere....sometimes.

My heart broke for the family of the fallen DPD officer who lost his life today in Hilary Clinton's cavalcade.

I felt sorry for Hilary too, because nobody should have to feel responsible for something awful like that happening.

I will be voting for Obama on Mar 4.

Did I mention I love my family?? Well, I do!!


Jenn said...

I need to get my eyebrows done.

get 'em done gurl! i am too chicken...

I want to get a pedicure but am scared of contracting some horrible disease.

for a pedicure go to ogle school. it is cheap and they are strict about cleanliness because they are teaching students how to do it CORRECTLY!

I need a girls night out.

i do too, how 'bout we set up a coffee-meet-night thingie and invite people???

I need a date night with my husband.

i'll babysit!!!

I need some Mommy and kiddo time where we do something awesome and fun.

go to the zoo, you are always going to the zoo and always talkin' about how much you looooove it!

I want to lose more weight.

me too...

I want to get back in the gym.

me too....

I'm sick of being sick.

sorry you're sick...

I have found my patience stretched, tried, and tested, and yet I persevere....sometimes.

praise the Lord, girl, praise the Lord!

My heart broke for the family of the fallen DPD officer who lost his life today in Hilary Clinton's cavalcade.

me too!!! when i watched it on the news, i was crying. so sad.

I felt sorry for Hilary too, because nobody should have to feel responsible for something awful like that happening.

me too! i know a lot of people don't like her (whatever) but noone should have to go through something like that, how sad for everyone...

I will be voting for Obama on Mar 4.

me too!are you going to one of the parties after?

Did I mention I love my family?? Well, I do!!

me too!

Anonymous said...

So when are the kids coming over? We're free next weekend!

Jen G