Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Am So Sorry....

Bad Courtney!!! I really have to learn how to budget my time better :)

There actually have been some pretty big changes in our lives. Well, Ok really just me -- I just put in my 2 weeks notice at my office job. I couldn't deal with the way the office manager got it into her head to manipulate everyone in the office, especially me, and how I was so STUPID as to fall for it. I'm too good, I'm too smart, and I'm too talented to waste my time dealing with her. But dang I'm going to miss those doctors. Talk about an amazing physician. If you or anyone you know is in the market for an Interventional Cardiologist let me know -- I know the best one out there.

I'm thinking the job change will be good for me, as I'm going to do Home Health full time. It's flexible, it allows me to have days off when I need them, and allows me to budget my time to be able to work out daily, spend more time with my kids, and not stress so hard about money and working 6-7 days a week to make ends meet. Anyway, I HOPE it's a good change!

Daniel got a haircut yesterday!! (I actually got one two nights earlier and he loved it and said, "mom I need a haircut too!") It's super short, and it's going to take some adjustment but he looks so awesome now.

Daniel is going to SCS next year. I'm flabbergasted by that, but it's true. I can't believe it. I can't believe he's old enough for school, let alone MY old school!! He'll be going 3 days a week, full days. And then a year later he'll start Kindergarten there and Zoe will start the 4 year old class. Where did the time go?
Michael's band, LADE, performed at the Ridglea last night. It was an awesome show, there is some real talent in that band!! If you're interested come out and see them next Friday at the Aardvark.
LADE rules. Just ask Zoe :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least we have a name now. :)