Friday, April 25, 2008

My Random Reality Thoughts...And More....

1. Yes, I'll admit it -- I watched faithfully "Rock of Love 2" on VH1. And I have to say this -- I hope Bret Michaels and Ambre are happy. I mean truly happy. I watched this couple and I've gotta say from everything I saw they look like the perfect match!! Best of Luck to them!! :)

2. American Idol -- Sorry y'all but I cannot stand Syesha. I think her voice is whiny, shouty, and "pitchy." I think Paula Abdul is coo coo for cocoa puffs, and it's WAAAAAY past time for her to leave. (I think Mariah Carey's available...) I thought "Andrew Lloyd Webber Week" was a horrible idea, though I think the world of him and his work. I thought David Cook was terrible. Brooke White is my favorite, followed closely by Jason Castro. I'd actually buy their albums, which is something I've yet to do! I hope Syesha goes home next week. I actually thought Carly had talent, and was sorry to see her go. David Archuleta is truly talented but I tend to believe that his dad is pushy. I can't stand the stage parents.

3. The Bachelor "London Calling" -- I hope he picks Shayne. She makes me laugh, and I truly believe she's in it "for him." But this is honestly the first season of that show where NONE of the girls have been "bad" choices. The girl who's freaky about public displays of affection is a little weird, but hey....whatever. I wish he'd ditched her last week instead of Noelle, she seemed so genuine.

4. TMZ -- my husband is obsessed with this show. I cann't stand papparazzi, but this show makes me laugh. I wonder if I should become a there money in that?

And now, for the "More...."

My children get cuter every day.

I'm working basically full time home health right now and it', different....

I do NOT get "Dancing With The Stars."

I love working out with my husband every night while our kiddos play in the "Kids Klub."

I want to learn ballroom dancing.

I like to grill outside

I would like to move to NYC

I would like to move to San Diego

I would also like to move to Wyoming

My next house will be way out in the country

I can't wait to be able to afford a tummy tuck with some three area lipo

Guess that's about it....

Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I'm with you-Syesha should be next to go. I am surprised Carly went before her-I really liked Carly. I like Brooke, too. I love David Cook, and Archie is definitely amazing-I have heard that about his father, too-I really hope that does not break him. Cook will have an album-he'll be another Daughtry and I am sure it will rock.

This is my first season to really get into American Idol and I am loving it, but ready to see who wins!!

Let's do lunch soon!