Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Things I Love Right Now.....

Hehehe, thanks Kristen :)

1. Powerade Zero....tastes yummy, electrolytes, thirst quencher, NO calories!!! I try to drink one daily....or more as needed :)

2. Group X Fitness Classes...woo hoo talk about FUN and SORE! Yay.

3. My husband....he's the awesomest stay at home daddy EVERRRRR, so even though I know he's frustrated with the whole job/school/kids all day long thing....he's amazing at it!! (thanks for dinner honey it's awesome!)

4. Swimming with my children.....Zoe's a swimming little fish and I can't wait to get them into their swimming lessons so they'll be able to have even more fun at the big pool!!

5. Being a nurse. It's honestly the most rewarding career path I could have chosen....and I love touching patients' lives.....though i still long for med school.....who knows, I'm still "young." :)

6. My Neutrogena Wave.....this thing is INCREDIBLE. I highly recommend it for those of you out there with faces that need washing!! I use it only at night, and I use the Aveeno clear complexion foam wash in the mornings. These two together are a power packed duo that are doing more for me than Proactiv did **though I must admit Proactiv cleared my face up very quickly but I grew accustomed to it after 2 months and it stopped working**

7. YouTube. Not that I just discovered it or anything, but seriously if you want to see something (just about anything you can dream up to make you laugh) someone has already done it, filmed it, and put it on YouTube. Sweeeeet.

8. Fireworks. I can't WAIT to see my kids on the 4th enjoying them!!

9. My Ipod. I've had it for awhile, but it's got a new list on it, my Top 25 songs of all time....and I can't stop listening to them!! :)

10. Ringback tones on Verizon. I love to hear people laugh when they call me....it's awesome.

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