Monday, July 7, 2008

Thinks I'm Thinking Tonight....

1. "Hopkins" is a really good show.....really.
2. El Camino, 50% car 50% truck, 100%.......awesome?
3. I miss my children being tiny babies
4. When you're craving a loaded baked potato and boneless buffalo wings, black beans and rice just don't cut it ;)
5. Hansen's Natural Green Tea Soda Pomegranate....awesome
6. I really love the Group X Fitness classes....they RULE
7. I can't wait to find out who DeAnna picked!
8. I love summer for the water sports...
9. I need to do more water sports
10. When does "Pushing Daisies" come back on?
11. I love my family.....they're amazing.
12. And I think "Desperate Housewives" mighta jumped the shark at the end of last season...tho I'll definitely tune in.
13. If I can manage to stay gone later into the night it's not so awkward to be home alone.

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