Thursday, July 31, 2008


Is it the times we live in? Is it my own paranoia? Or what?

I left Target tonight with my children, and I was constantly looking over my shoulder, looking around the parking lot, I tried to park as close as possible to the door even though the sun was not down yet. Why? I have this (irrational? rational? what?) fear of someone trying to steal my children, steal me, steal my stuff. I don't really know what....other than my biggest fear IS something happening to my children. If something happened to them I'd probably die. Maybe it's that fear that keeps me looking over my shoulder. Who knows.

In other news.....

My children are amazing. They're beautiful. They're happy. They're well rounded. They love to pray, and I've even heard Daniel lately praying when he gets frustrated (wow is there a lesson in there for his mommy or what?!) and I'm touched. (Their prayers really are the best....Daniel always ends his prayers "and Jesus pray....Amen." Zoe ends hers "Jesus.....Amen." Too sweet for words!)

My husband is great too, I can't even tell you how much I admire him.....he's doing right now the one thing most men would never do and that is staying at home as full time Daddy. And the greatest part of all is that he's so darn good at it!! The kids are happy, they love having Daddy home all day. And I do too!!

Daniel starts Pre-K on Aug 20.................what?!?!?!?!?!?!?! So, can pretty much expect me to be institutionalized after that. The only thing that's keeping me partially sane is a) he's going to my alma mater so I feel safe, b) he's only going 3 days a week (but still!), and c) it doesn't seem real...............yet. Even though I've washed and ironed his uniforms (yep, he gets to wear uniforms!! oh just wait for the pictures!!!) and they're hanging up ready for him to wear. I just don't know how I'm going to make it.....but there'll be a way.....there just has to be!!

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