Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Pregnancy Ills

Went to the DR today. My blood pressure was up. 124/86. She's not happy about that (*she being Dr Motley*), NOR was she at all thrilled with the ENORMOUS weight gain in two weeks (or one day, if the scales at 24 hour fitness can be trusted). I'm swollen in my legs/feet and hands.

All of this to say : she is afraid I am developing pre-eclampsia. Which means if I do have it, then I will be put on bed rest (YUCK) until the baby is mature enough to have a c-section and deliver her. However, if I have it and bed rest doesn't work she'll put me in the hospital (Harris Downtown) and they'll monitor the baby for 2 weeks and then do a c-section, giving her as much time on the inside as possible, and pumping her full of steroids.

I've just been praying that I don't have it. That I'm just getting fat. That I'm just stressed about the move and the baby. I don't think I am one of those women who is strong enough to survive bed rest and a premature infant.


Bar L. said...

Your strong enough with the help of God but I am praying that you DO NOT have pre-eclampsia and that you WILL NOT have to have a C-Section and/or bed rest!!!

Hang in there and keep us posted.

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

Thank YOU.