Sunday, March 18, 2007


My job is amazing. Can I just say that? I love the people I work with, I love the people I take care of, and I love the way my working makes me feel. I'm happy at work now, and that's a HUGE deal. I'm actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow, can you believe it?! Yeah. It's amazing.

God is a wonder.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Ok, so I messed up on the friends quiz, my mouse got trigger happy ;)

The girls question was a trick-not cool...if you would've had Martin & Casey on the party question I would not have known what to do...and I messed up on the last one. Oh well...hope that a quiz does not define our friendship ;)...What is the answer to the subjects question? You were good at everything, so I just guessed.

10 years? Where has the time gone? Are we having a reunion?!! :)

I am so glad your job is going well and I love the videos of your kids, although it is hard to hear with the music-even though I LOVE Shawn McDonald!!
