Friday, March 9, 2007

Oh yeah....potty training.....WOO HOO!!

Daniel has really been kicking it into high gear....the promise of going to "big kids school" next year has him all sorts of excited about pottying on the potty. He's starting to grasp the pooping on the potty concept!!!!! I cannot TELL you how excited I am about the last three days he's told us when he needed to poop!! He told Memaw on Tuesday and he told me yesterday! And guess what??? HE DID IT!!!! He still runs back to his room but if you catch him he tells you he "have ta poop!!!" So we tell him to hold it and we run into the bathroom and he goes on the potty! It's so incredible!

But about the peeing....he's amazing. He LOVES to stand and he's getting the idea! He tells me "first you have ta hold it then you make the bubbles then you shake it and you flush it away ok?" And he washes his hands, and he gets the idea of telling us that he has to go pee pee. Not quite sure where he got the information about holding it, shaking it, and the rest....but I am assuming that's from Daddy. What a big boy!

Speaking of boys pottying....they spray. And they spatter the seat with tinkle. When we're in public I ALWAYS wipe the seat because, I'm sorry, there is almost NOTHING more disgusting in a public toilet than having tinkle all over the seat. UGH. Makes me want to puke! It's almost as bad as the "floaters" people sometimes leave behind when they "forget to flush" after going number 2. We had such an experience with an inconsiderate potty training mommy at Target the other day. Daniel and I (and Zoe too, she was riding in the buggy seat) went into the bathroom and I took him in to a stall just left by another little boy and his mommy. I immediately turned around and took him next door. There was more tinkle on the seat than in the potty (which NO they did NOT flush!)!!!! So I had him do his business and he got some on the seat. I said "OK Daniel now we wipe up our tinkle so it's not on the seat for the next person to have to wipe up OK?" He said "OK mommy that'd be great!" And then I made a big deal out of flushing the potty and washing our hands and it was all just for show, because I never have to remind him of any of that. I was so grossed out! How can you NOT WIPE THE SEAT if you tinkle on it?!?!?!?!

"If you sprinkle
when you tinkle
Please be neat
And wipe the seat!"

Someone wrote that in a rest stop in Arizona and I saw it when I was about 9. Obviously it left an impression and it pops into my mind every time I see tinkle on a seat. And I wish I had a sharpie to write it when I leave. OK, not really....but you get the idea.

I'm teaching my son to wipe the seat.

1 comment:

Emily said...

My mom used to say that same phrase except she used to say "Please be SWEET and wipe the seat". :) Its funny the things that stick with us from childhood!

P.S. Prednisone has made me insane. Literally.