Saturday, April 21, 2007

Give Thanks....

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good
His love endures forever.

A couple of things :

1. My friend from High School and his wife (Greg & Kristin) are one step closer to bringing home their Guatemalan angel! That's good news!

2. My friend from High School (Rory) lost his father this past weekend. And that, my friends, sucks.

3. Most of my friends from High School are either married, have been married, have children, or are pregnant.

4. My friend from High School and his wife (Travis & Kathy) are expecting their third child!

5. My friend from High School and her husband (Brianne & Nate) just moved back to the Continental (or as we like to call it down here "Real" ;) ) US....from Alaska...and they're both in the Military.....they've got two little ones roughly the same age as mine--sort of

I could go on, but you get the point, right?

So here's the 10 year reunion is around the corner, and I've just started to realize how on track my life finally is. Is that sad? I mean, gee whiz it only took me 10 years! I'm finally in my career path, and since I have to be away from my children I'm thankful that I can make a difference every day in the lives of the people I care for.

About # 2 for a minute : when I was in High School, everyone was "close," that's just the nature of the beast when you're one of 26 in your class. But our class really was special. I think everyone in there are lifelong friends, because we just knew each other so well. Know what I mean? Even those of us who didn't know each other as long as we knew others....OK I'm rambling. I found out from Katherine that Rory's father passed away very unexpectedly and my heart broke. I do not think God meant for us to lose our parents when we're so young. But the awesome thing here is, I can remember being at Rory's house (one time in particular was our Sophomore summer) and we had a huge party out there. His parents were so kind to us, and his dad even cooked! And we swam, played volleyball, etc. It was awesome. And his dad was so kind, I remember thinking "so THIS is what a Dad is like." {Not that I didn't have my grandfather, but sometimes I wondered what a Dad was like...}

In reading what folks had to say about him, I realize just what a far-reaching hand he truly had. He lived a life worth living, a life worth celebrating, and I can only hope that my life touches people the way his did. My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with their family and I would ask you to do the same.


A life worth living. Seems like such a difficult thing to aspire to, but really how hard can it be? Living each day as though it's your last, and trying to make a difference in the world....after all, isn't that what Jesus told us to do?

I can only hope I'm living a life worth living, and a life that will be celebrated long after I'm gone.


Leslie said...

I totally understand. I ran into Paul Miller's parents last night at PF Changs and my heart breaks every time I see them. His mom said. "I have Paul locked in my mind at a certain age and everyone else is growing up and moving forward". Hard times, losing parents and losing friends.

Katherine said...

I was thinking the same thing when Royce passed away-he was a great guy and he and Diane were always so sweet to us. We did have a unique class-it was special, and I was reminded that again when I heard about him-my heart also broke for their whole family and I haven't even seen or talked to them in years. His life definitely had an impact on many. I pray mine does also...

It is crazy where God has led us all in the last 10 years!!! I can say that none of number 3 applies to me...but that is alright-He has blessed me immensely and I am thankful.

So...are we really having a reunion?!
