Friday, April 27, 2007

Just For Me....

I've made a groundbreaking decision....I'm going to do something just for ME (but in a roundabout way it's for everyone)....I ordered NutriSystem. That's right : you're looking at the newest member of the NutriSystem fan club. I start Monday, to give myself a full month to really get into the swing of it, then we'll see if I continue it or not. In addition, I've started a new workout program called "podfitness." I joined for a monthly fee, and personalized workouts are made for me, to my iPod workout mixes (personalized and customized each time!!) by professional and celebrity trainers! I did my first one last night, KICKED MY BUTT. Honestly, I was exhausted afterwards but exhilarated too because of the way it made me feel. So I'll post weekly updates every Friday or Saturday : how much weight I've lost, how many workouts I've done, etc. I can't wait!! And that way, if I have an audience of accountability I'll be more likely to stick to it....right? That's right!!


Anonymous said...

My sister did nutrisystem and has lost a thousand pounds so far. But first, you must stuff your face at Texas De Brazil!!!! good luck in your weight loss journey

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

That is the official send off!! Oh yeah!! I can NOT wait!!!!