Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Thoughts And Ponderings

Haven't blogged in awhile, and I'm sorry for you four faithful readers! :) Really though, here's what's up :

1. Work, work, work....I have not had a day off thanks to my full time jobs! Wow it's been hectic and without an end in sight. I like them both so at least that's good I guess.

2. Went to dinner at Bonnell's the other word : FABULOUS. You guys seriously, if you have the time (anywhere from an hour on up depending on what you order) and the money (it's a $$$-$$$$ place fo' sho') then I've got the place for you. Chef John Bonnell does it right here y'all....Texas Gourmet and it's fabulous. Reminiscent of Lonesome Dove, you can choose from the wild game assortment, and a varied list of appetizers. The desserts are awesome, too. We had : the appetizer sampler (we chose 4 appetizers and got one of each for about 11 bucks) with Spicy Elk Mini Tacos (our favorite), Texas Bruschetta, Venison Carpaccio, and grilled tomatoes with fresh mozzarella. I highly recommend for your next course - either the House salad (amazing jalapeno vinaigrette) or the roasted tomato & jalapeno soup (we got a cup of the soup and shared it and we both got salads. Honestly can't say we tried the lemon caesar cuz we didn't. I'm sure, based on our experience, that it was fabulous. Third was the main entree. I ordered the buffalo tenderloin (made from buffalo) it was crusted with peppercorns, and served in a creamy yummy sauce with grilled asparagus and pomme frites (a REALLY fance way of saying "awesome french fries"). Michael had the Mixed Grill with buffalo tenderloin, their homemade andouille sausage, wild boar chop, and Rocky Mountain Elk tenderloin. Served in a wild game demi glace and alongside their special green chile grits and grilled seasonal veggies. Served along with our main course were two jalapeno "scones" and an amazing sweet cornbread cake. For dessert we had apple fritter with homemade cinnamon ice cream, sweet mini tacos stuffed with assorted chocolate mousses, and french pressed coffee. This meal was AMAZING, and honestly....we had such a good time too! The hostess was over-the-top nice, which was awesome. Our waiter could have been better, it seemed like his knowledge was sub-par but still he left us alone, offered solicited advice, and basically did the basics....but didn't go above and beyond, which was ok. This is one place where the food speaks for itself. So here's my TWO FORKS way up for this restaurant, you got out of town relatives?? You coming to Texas?? Take them, take yourself, take whoever, and RUN don't walk to Bonnell's Fine Texas Cuisine. Wow.

3. My Christmas tree is still up :( anyone want to come take it down and subsequently clean up for me??? Seriously....I'll pay you.

4. Plotting the decorations for the kiddos new's like having a large, blank, white canvas and if I could come up with a cohesive thought and put it into action I'd be set....I've got ideas....but having a rough time putting them into action. Daniel's pretty much got his little heart set on a TRANSFORMERS room....guess I'll let him spend his Christmas money on a Transformers blanket and comforter, and I'll buy him some wall stickies. But Zoe's a harder one....I want her room to maintain some magic and still be based around purple....any ideas??? I want : easy, cheap, and cute.

5. What I'm looking forward the most to : NEXT FRIDAY ---- CLOVERFIELD at MOVIE TAVERN. Wanna go?? Let me know I'm buying tickets early (I'm really going to be disappointed if it isn't showing there.....)

6. Second most looking forward to : SWEENEY TODD at MOVIE TAVERN (because I KNOW that's showing there!!)

7. Please send prayers up on our behalf....Michael will be submitting Law School apps this week and next, we REALLY need this y'all so the more prayers going up that God puts him in whichever school He wants him in.....the better

8. Noggin is now on 24 hours. YIPPEE!!!!! This means more : Backyardigans, Dora, Diego, Wonder Pets, and Blues Clues. WOW.....actually really LOVE those shows.

9. For Daniel's birthday I'm considering the Leapster video game system handheld...anyone got little ones who have this?? Suggestions on which games are the best for Pre-K?

10. I've been craving Jason's Deli for days and weeks and have yet to have it....maybe today, I am definitely holding out hope.

11. GO RED FOR WOMEN....Heart disease : #1 killer of women.....Come on ladies, get that heart checked out. Every year when you do your annual physical get an EKG. It really could save your life. And if there's a history of heart disease in your family (especially early onset -- before age 65 -- in one of your immediate family members) TELL YOUR DOCTOR so they can check you out thoroughly! Most of us take better care of our CARS than we do our bodies! GO RED....and save a life.

12. Also I'll be doing the Susan G. Komen 3 Day in November...more to come and how to help on that in the coming weeks....And more on how you can JOIN MY TEAM!!!!

13. In 2008 I've decided that even though I've always been that starry-eyed optimist, this year I'm not going to let those little things get me down. Seriously. My goals this year are as follows : Gym at least 4 days a week (and hopefully 7), Save money (I want to have enough at the end of the year to take my family skiing in December and STILL have money left over), Spend more time reflecting on the wonderful things God has Blessed me with, rather than focusing so much on the negatives. There are more, and it's actually fodder for a later post.....

I hope this year's been good to you and yours so far. Love and Hugs from our blog to yours.


Jenn said...

bonnell's IS yummy! i went to high school with jon. we were in theater arts together. he and i got chosen to do the announcements every morning my senior year. he always talked of being a chef back then, too.

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

what, you couldn't have said something sooner?! like, helloooo discount?!?! :)

Jenn said...

oh puh lease... discounts in a place like that???... maybe for his PARENTS!!! LOL!