Monday, January 28, 2008

New Year, New Life, New Me

I've taken some very important steps to lose this weight, to drop the excess baggage, to change my life forever. I've got goals, I've got plans, I've got my groove on. And I'm ready.

I do this more than once a year, but guess what....this time it's personal. Personal Trainer that is!! I'm actually paying a professional to kick my butt into shape. I have some serious accountability here and now, and it's time to make a positive change.

Three pounds a week to lose by Memorial Day Weekend. I'm planning a romantic getaway for my hubby and myself to San Diego that weekend and I plan on rocking the bikini on the beach. Well, here's hopin'.......


Jenn said...

well, i have the name of a sensational pt if you want one!

Katherine said...

Rock on-that is awesome and I am proud of you!! :) I cannot wait to watch your progress-blessings in your endeavors!