Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Train Me

I met my trainer today at 6 am. Yep, that's right folks yours truly hopped out of bed at 5:45 and headed to the gym!! Got in some cardio, and a weights workout, and had some fun with my new trainer. It was great, and I'm so thankful I made this decision. I actually ate breakast (a protein bar and a LIGHT Starbucks Double Shot Espresso), I ate a salad and soup for lunch, a turkey sandwich for mid-afternoon snack, and I had a grilled chicken salad with lots of veggies and homemade Greek dressing for dinner. I hit the gym after work intending to do a kickboxing class, instead I jumped on the elliptical with Michael for about 5 minutes and I hit the wall.

I think I maybe hit 1400 calories today, and I feel awesome. I definitely have the weight to lose, but I'm on a good start.

I'm going to make it a point to eat really well the rest of the week, and tomorrow I'm going to work out after work.

Here's to not being a hypocrite....


Katherine said...

Woo hoo! Way to go, girl-you are my inspiration! :)

Jenn said...

go gurl...