Saturday, November 19, 2005


I took the children to Target. By myself. I feel so proud. And I was exhausted. Zoe doesn't add much weight to her infant carrier, but what weight she does gets sort of tiring carrying her around. But that's what I had to do : Daniel in the cart seat and Zoe in her carrier ---> me carrying her around the store (alternating from my arms to my hands). I don't know that we'll be attempting that again anytime soon.

We had some of Michael's students over for a thank you dinner....I made too much fun, they played video games, Daniel was in hog heaven having people over. It was great. We'll be doing that again.

Went to the late night showing of "Harry Potter 4 : The Goblet of Fire" afterwards. The movie started at 10:20 pm and we left the theatre at 1:00 am. The movie was long, so that was satisfying (for me, the Potter fan). The movie is fabulous...there are some directorial decisions I questioned ("Why is Draco in a tree?" for one example) and I wondered about the cutting of what I thought was a key plotline....oh well. Still a wonderful movie and I'll DEFINITELY buy it on DVD. I can't wait for the next movie!

Next movies on the agenda : "Rent" (we're going to see it at midnight on Tuesday) and "King Kong," which opens December 14. We'll be there shortly after it opens, if not the very day. It looks AWESOME.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you know Miss Garland?