Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!!!!

Easter used to make me so sad when I was a kid. It was so hard to see the joy! As an adult, I have come to realize how truly Joyous Easter actually is. But it's a double-edged sword....because of human nature/questioning God, we were in need of a Saviour. The cruel and painful way Jesus died brings me to tears every time I think of it. But I have learned, since "growing up," that without the pain of the cross the Resurrection would have meant nothing to the people at the time. When we performed Jesus Christ, Superstar at TCU we "modernized" the point that Jesus was not crucified, rather he was put to death by lethal injection. The result? A peaceful, pain-free opposite from the truth of crucifixion as you can get. It bothered me at the time, and it bothers me today. After all, the purpose of the crucifixion was to take the pain and shame of sin, and allow us to have Eternal Life. How awesome...and yet how sad that humanity necessitated its own salvation. But God didn't have to do it, He just did.

Today was a good day....some pics :

Daddy & his girl :

2 sharp dressed men :

Mom & the kids :

The fam :


Jenn said...

what a cute little family! you look great! so are you working out? i read about your dieting. i joined curves, i'm working out with old ladies. i'm a young old lady...

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

thank you! Yes I've been working out's wonderful and it makes me feel like I'm actually doing something!! :)

Curves is a great place to start! Hope you enjoy it!