Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Picture This.....'s after 9:30 at night, your neighbor (who is slightly crazy, frazzled looking, and barefoot) is racing down the street obviously after her escape artist jack russell terrier......and you're standing in your front yard smoking. The dog runs right up to you a) grab the dog so you can save your poor obviously stressed out neighbor some barefoot running, or b) continue to stand there smoking your cigarette while your poor neighbor tries to corner her dog and then you laugh because the dog you could have caught very easily is now running down the middle of a busy street?

You'd think the obvious choice is A right? NOT SO MUCH neighbors are the picture of apathy.


1 comment:

Rachel Kerbel said...

that is so funny. neighbors can be very interesting. i run at night, and i go down this street where 2 old ladies live (next to eachother), and i always see one of them trying to out do the other. for instance i caught one of them at 10:00 pm outside spraying her yard with something like miracle grow-by hand. i know it was to out yard the other one-they are like 85! reminded me of the movie grumpy old men!