Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thinks I'm Thinking....

* Sometimes God's timing is so hard to understand and accept.....
* Those people on the Valtrex commercials look so HAPPY to have genital herpes....odd, I don't think I'd be all that excited about it....
* Serial killers always look so creepy......how do people not realize they're serial killers?
* I wish my children weren't sick
* I don't understand people who don't call people back
* I'm not the most patient person in the world....
* I wish my children would stay young
* I'm proud of my husband
* I miss my extended family
* I'm looking forward to spending more time with my family
* I can't believe Daniel is going to start SCS in about 2 weeks....
* There but for the Grace of God go I....
* There is a lot of sadness in this world, a lot of despair, but underneath it all is a suspension bridge of Hope.


Leslie said...

OK I laughed so hard at #2 & 3. Seriously!

Leslie said...

Hey also, how did you get your border like you did? I want ribbons and a cool background. All I have been able to figure out is the header. Will you email me and tell me what you did please.


Anonymous said...

My name is Laura Clos and i would like to show you my personal experience with Valtrex.

I am 29 years old. Have been on Valtrex for 12 months now. Just wanted to get the word out there that there are some kind of weird and scary side effects that might make it not worth taking the drug.

I have experienced some of these side effects -
I have had a few really vivid nightmares once in a while since I started taking this medication. The reason I'm posting this is that I had one last night & I can't even explain how real it felt. I forced myself with all of my strength to wake up & once I did I felt completely disoriented, lightheaded, and confused. I was terrified to go back to sleep. Some hair loss as well. Some depression and mental fogginess. And some increase in IBS symptoms. Really though the occasional extremely intense nightmare is the worst side effect.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Laura Clos