Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Have we gone too far with "Political Correctness?"

People get all up in arms about "Happy Holidays," saying we've gone too far with Political Correctness....I submit to you MY reasons why Jesus is NOT the "only reason" for this season :

1. 2 other "major" Holidays (at least) are celebrated now : Hannukah and Kwanzaa
2. Christmas, along with Easter, have roots in pagan rituals -- Winter solstice, and the Spring Fertility festival....when the pagans were converted to Christianity, they wanted to keep these festivals and they found Bible stories to fit them.
3. The fat guy in the red suit driving 8 flying reindeer is awesome. Why can't you celebrate the secular side while still reinforcing the Spiritual side?
4. Jesus most likely was NOT born December was more like March 25.

I still believe in Santa. In fact, I have an inside track to the big guy in red's personal cell phone and toy request line. He is really such a nice guy! He's bringing my kids everything they asked for....and probably some things they didn't ask for!

How do you "balance" the secular and the Spiritual? To me, that is easy. The Christmas tree, the snowmen, the reindeer = secular. Jesus = Spiritual. You have to enforce the Spiritual all year round, or pushing it one or two days a year is only going to alienate the kiddos.

As for PC going too far.....I think when we started calling bald people "follicularly challenged" and large people "horizontally challenged" and short people "vertically challenged," THAT is when we went too far.

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