Sunday, February 26, 2006

Kindnesses....and a fish called "Nah Nah"

I have made a friend at Nursing School. Well, I've made several, but one I feel certain will be a friend for life. She and I are a lot alike in a lot of ways, and not so alike in a lot of other ways. She's neat. She has a neat family. She gave me a practically brand new King size mattress set. I'm dumbfounded. It's soooooo comfortable. I can't wait to sleep on it. We picked it up this morning from her. Doesn't it look inviting? Wait until I get it all made up.... :)

Today we finally got the newest addition to our family....Nah Nah is our Crowntail Betta. Daniel picked him out all by himself today at Petco. Did I mention that he named the fish, as well? Well, he did. And Daniel is SO excited. Nah Nah likes his big open tank, too. Sure beats the heck out of that little petri dish he was in at the pet store! I promise a better picture of him soon....but here's a few decent, but kind of blurry ones :

He's a lot prettier than he looks here, trust me.

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