Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Kids...bragging time!!

Daniel at 2:

33 lbs (90%)
38.5" tall (so far off the charts it's hilarious)

He gets more and more verbal every day! And he has a memory like an elephant....the kid doesn't forget anything. And SMART??? He recognizes his name, knows his ABCs, and can count to 5!! He is beautiful!! He is such a good big brother, he's fascinated with Zoe...he hasn't gotten to the point of wanting to carry her around yet, thank Goodness. He has a temper but can be reasoned with.

Today is the first time he's tried to climb out of his crib....we haven't moved him to his toddler bed for a couple of reasons. The biggest reason : he sleeps all over the bed! I'm so scared that he'll fall out and get hurt! But he'll be hurt worse if he crawls out of the crib & falls. I have no clue how to transition him...

Zoe at 4 months :

She flips over from back to tummy and from tummy to side. She's teeny (totally normal, but a munchkin compared to Daniel!)....just starting to wear 3-6 mos clothes, still in Carter's Newborn onesies, though. She makes the funniest noises, too. She smiles constantlym and she gets MAD if you take away her toy!!

We're going to need to get her an exersaucer soon, and I'm looking forward to that!

Dealing with the "G" Word........GUILT.........

I'm away from my kids 5 days a week. 9 hours a day. It kills me. I'm wracked with guilt. My heart is heavy & it hurts. I come home and a few things happen : Zoe smiles her widest, sweetest smile. And Daniel shouts out, "MOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" He tells me he loves me, kisses & hugs me, and wants to help me feed "Zoe milk." Seeing the joy on their faces and knowing that I will be making a difference in our lives by finally contributing financially helps the guilt. Really, it does. But I still deal with it on an almost daily basis.

And....a year ago tomorrow :

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey, I had a nurse for a mom and turned out just fine....well, debatably at least. :)