Friday, February 10, 2006

One of those parenting "firsts" nobody talks about....

Ok, so plenty of people talk about it....but we had ours :

Wednesday night was the first night Daniel has woken up sick in the middle of the night. He was covered (at 10:45 pm, after being asleep since 8) from head to toe in vomit. We changed his sheets, bathed him, cuddled him. His temp was 96.7! That's low. So I wrapped him in double blankets, and he wanted in his bed. So I put him in his bed. Not 10 minutes later we were back in there to do the same thing.

He ended up vomiting 3 times, and couldn't keep water down. Finally he fell deeply asleep and slept until 8:30 Thursday morning. All day yesterday he ran a fever, which never went above 102 and never went below 99. Took him to the Urgent Care Hours at our Dr's office last night. He has Gastroenteritis. And today, still running a fever and he has added diarrhea to the mix.

Poor baby. I think Michael and I handled Wednesday night very well. Now if we can just get him well before Sunday! That's his birthday, and NOBODY should be sick on Christmas AND their Birthday!

On a better note, Zoe had her 4 month well baby today....she's perfect!

1 comment:

Danny Sims said...

Oh man... I remember a few of those. Praise God that it's only a few times, not all the time!