Thursday, October 11, 2007

There Are Some Things Money Can't Buy....

The day was long, but not long enough. My daughter is so stinkin' adorable, y’all! She’s getting cuter by the minute, and there’s just so much I could say about her…but I’ll stick with just a few.

She turned 2 today, and I’m sitting here wondering, “where did those 2 years go?” It seems like only yesterday I was experiencing all those fears, all those “what ifs,” and all those moments of triumph. It seems like only yesterday that she was making leaps and bounds in the NICU, it seems like only yesterday she came home, it seems like only yesterday that she was crawling, learning to talk, growing teeth in funny patterns, walking, running, adoring her big brother, and learning to say "I wud you!"

A lot has changed in these 2 years. I’ve found my true calling, and chosen my career path. Michael’s realized he wasn’t on the right career path and has veered onto what he now feels IS the right one. Our kiddos are growing, changing, and becoming more independent each day.

Since it’s Zoe’s birthday I’ll focus on her for today’s blog. She’s a cutie. She is also a pretty independent little girl. She likes to do things that her big brother does, she likes to do things before he does, and she likes to have races with her Daddy and Mommy. Zoe is a gorgeous girl. She’s got personality oozing out of every pore on her body, and I love it. She’s funny, though. She’s one of those little kiddos that knows her body has higher limits than adults. She tests those limits…every day! And she’s so cute when she does it that it’s hard to say no!

She's smart. She's gorgeous. She's got the whole world on her plate, the world is her oyster, and it's my Life's One Calling to see that things stay that way for matter what.

Her party isn’t until Sunday, but we celebrated a little tonight. Daniel decided that since it was her birthday she needed a cake, so I bought her spider cupcakes and they were a HIT! Here’s a few pics of her enjoying her cupcake! (Taken with Daddy's cell phone camera....our digital's battery pooped out on us and it's charging right now!)

And, Zoe one year ago :

And, Zoe two years ago...these are pics of her in the progressive care unit, I do not want to post the NICU pics of her this year.... (if you’d like to see her story from her birth, click here) :

We’re Blessed beyond measure, and events that have occurred the last two days have pointed that out in stark detail to me. It’s evident to me what those Mastercard folks are talking about…

Happy Birthday to You, Zoe-Pie!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Happy Birthday to Zoe!