Monday, September 15, 2008

A Few Things I Wonder About Jesus....

1. Since He was perfect, did He ever cry? Did He go through the "Terrible Twos?" Could He possibly have never thrown a temper tantrum? Did He ever pout? Did His earthly parents ever lose their cool with him?

2. Since childbirth was "supposed" to be a "punishment" for woman and her original sin, but Jesus was the Son of God, was his birth painless for Mary? It doesn't seem right to me that it would have hurt her giving birth to the Saviour of the world....

3. Did Jesus play sports? And if He did, was He better than everyone else? Or did He choose instead NOT to play sports because He knew it would be unfair?

4. Did He always obey his earthly parents? Or did He have moments of rebellion?

Any thoughts?? Anyone have questions they've wondered about??


Leslie said...

I have often wondered these same things about Jesus. Great post

Anonymous said...

Check the old testament and see what it says about rebelling against your parents. I have a feeling He was perfect for them.

Maggie said...

I know he cried as in "Jesus Wept" found in John 11, when his friend died. So I am sure he cried like if he fell and cut his knee or something sad happened or when he was hurngry as an infant- but I agree he would have obeyed his parents. I am sure his birth hurt like all the rest of Mary's did. They are weird things to think about...

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

I'm sure he was a perfect Jewish child, and teenager, and whatnot. I do however know that he disobeyed his parents one time that is documented in the New Testament in the Temple as a very young boy.

But I guss what got me thinking all of this is really watching "The Nativity Story," which made me wonder all over again....

Unknown said...

Jesus to Joseph: "You can't tell me what to do! You aren't even my REAL DAD!"