Sunday, September 14, 2008

You Know You Are......

Show of many of us that grew up watching "Beverly Hills 90210" are watching this new series?? Kelly's there, now Brenda's there too, and Nate is still running The Peach Pit. Kelly's drunken crazy mom, and baby Erin is now all grown up and calls herself "Silver" and she goes to West Beverly Hills High. The Drama department is doing "Spring Awakening," and the really spoiled little rich girl just found out her daddy's been having an affair for years. Nostalgia is what made me watch the 2 hour premiere, curiosity is what will keep me watching...but I can't help but long for the plotlines and stories of the original. Maybe it was just me, but I was captivated by that show....I somehow thought that High School was going to really be like that. Boy was I surprised when it wasn't! ;)

So, come on....admit it.....who's watching?


Unknown said...

My high school experience was exactly like 90210.

Anonymous said...

It sure was! Steve's crotch was called the peach pit.