Thursday, September 4, 2008


So, Zoe is amazingly better....though I'm so upset because the Doctors have both checked Zoe's fee tickets with "Asthma" and I've got visions of pre-existing conditions and insurance denials floating through my head. She hasn't had to have a breathing treatment in over 24 hours! Thank God!!

Both kiddos are going to school 5 days a week, and they both go full days. Daniel is madly in love with school, and he never wants to "stay home" even when he tells me he didn't get enough sleep." He has friends named "Molly," "Brian," "Liam," "Garrett," "Hayden," "Blake," and others. And he LOVES his teacher. He is doing so well, and he's becoming better and better at writing his name!

Zoe is loving her school too! Her teacher is great, her classmates are awesome, and her new buddy is "Claire." She's also quite fond of "Joey," and I think she might have her first crush on Daniel's friend Garrett. It's adorable.

They're learning songs, and letters, and it's amazing. I asked Daniel last night what his favorite part of school is and he said "learning about God." That's amazing!


jennifer said...

Glad the kids are loving school!

I read your last post also...poor Zoe! Hope she is feeling better and you don't have any big problems down the road!

Kristen Ballard said...

I'm glad that Zoe is better!
I'm not surprised Daniel loves school. Mrs. Booth is a GREAT teacher and he is always smiling!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they are going to school full time! You have been so strong through this entire new step in their lives. I am so happy for them and for you. Your children are brilliant...

Hopefully they won't be self-deprecating ;)

Rachel Kerbel said...

it is so scary when there is something wrong with our babies!!!!! you are a great mom-glad she is better:)