Thursday, May 17, 2007


Monday was a horrible day...couldn't get my stuff together at work, felt like I was chasing my tail, then had a huge chunk of sadness dropped right on top of me...everyone at work banded together, and my supervisor took care of my patients at work so I could attend Kent Brown's funeral. The service was very nice. It was absolutely standing room only, which is a brilliant testimony to his life. Funerals for us Christians is a really mixed bag, you know? I mean, on the one hand you're rejoicing because you know they've gone onto a better place and you'll see them again...on the other hand, it's your LOVED ONE who passed away, and while Eternity is awesome and all, you're only human and you want them to still be HERE, so you're sad. I really think it's incredible just how many lives one person can touch in such a positive way. My family and I will continue to be in prayer for the Brown family, and I ask that you are too.

Tuesday...better day? No, not really. Daniel went to the Dr again...double ear infection, persistent sinus infection, and he's on Round Four of Antibiotics...since Easter. Yeah. Just peachy. He's got a really nasty chesty cough too, which makes his little life miserable. Oh and did I mention he was running a fever? Well, he was.

Wednesday...I had to call into work to stay home with Daniel because he'd been running the fever the night before, and nobody was able to be here with him. He wakes up feeling better and I think, "oh great I could have gone to work today." But the strange thing is, Zoe's still asleep. It's 8:30. Memaw offered to take her to school for me so I could focus on Daniel, which would be really great. When she finally wakes up and I go into her room at 9:00 she's burning up! 101.2 fever. And a hoarse sounding cry. And a really nasty cough. And her eyes are goopy. Again. Oh, and she has diarrhea. So I can't help myself I start crying! What did I do by putting them in that school?!?!?! I, of course, feel as though I should be nominated for worst mom EVER at this point. So I call the we go, again. Her diagnoses? Well, the Dr took one look in her ears and exclaimed "oh my goodness!! Has she been extra fussy lately?" To which I reply, "no, she's an amazingly easygoing baby." And he looks puzzled and states, "that's weird because with the way her ears look she should be screaming her little head off right now!" You're kidding me, right? Nope. Double ear infection...only hers actually stumped the DR with their nastiness! Strike 2 in the Mommy department. Antibiotics for her, too. Oh and the goopy eyes? Pink eye heard right, AGAIN. She just barely got over pink eye 2 weeks ago. So, more eye drops for her. Tylenol brought her fever down to 99.1 in the DR's office, which was nice...but not enough. Baby Motrin brought it down sort of to normal during her nap, but it spiked right back up around 6. So, Baby Motrin last night before bedtime and she seemed to sleep better.

Today....I go to the Dr. No, not because I'm sick, but because I had 2 moles removed from my back. They were suspicious looking, so he took those bad boys off and sent them for biopsy. Nice. At least I got Lidocaine injected into the area before he punched them out. Then, the air conditioning man shows up. Turns out our dog, who's never bitten anyone in her life, decided she didn't like the looks of that tall old man...and she tried to bite him. Yeah. The crazy one who's torn off our window screens and she gunked up our outside a/c unit by digging in the mud and trying to do whatever it is that she does out there.

Tomorrow....we go to the Zoo. It should be a very nice day. Hopefully everyone is feeling better.....

I've lost officially 10.6 pounds, and I feel amazing. According to the scale at the gym I've lost a little more, but I'm going by the DR scale because I was there the very morning I started (which technically, I weighed a little heavy that morning so maybe I AM down 12.4 pounds!!) and I was there the week prior on Thursday. I highly recommend my personal combination, it seems to be working for me!! :)

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