Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Looks like it's ours....

Well, we signed the contract on the house this weekend....we have 14 days to get it inspected, and (as if we would) change our minds for any reason....I am a little stunned. After all the time we've spent looking, now that we've found "the" house it seems so, I dunno, sudden? But what a great house it is! Wood and ceramic tile floors (NO CARPET YAY!!) which is great for Daniel's allergies. Granite countertops in the kitchen (woo hoo gourmet kitchen!). FOUR bedrooms (small rooms, but who cares he he!). And a GINORMOUS BATH TUB in the master bath!! I can't WAIT to bathe in there....you might never get me out of there...nightly baths here I come!!

And the best part : we'll have Michael's students to help move us and paint the rooms we're going to paint! Whoopee! And it means I can FINALLY start on baby girl's room....

We're thinking baseball room (denim, red, ranger blue, ranger accents, decopauged bookshelves...) for Daniel. I'm so excited! And the 4th bedroom will be the guest/play room....yippee!

Well, going to bed for now.


Lindsey said...

Congrats! That is SO awesome!

Joe said...

I remember my first house. What a trip! I've read back over some of your posts and got a real kick out of them. The kid (ooo...can I call him that?) is really cool. He will love his baseball room.

Joe said...

BTW I commented on some of your previous posts. You might check them out if you like.

Jenn said...
