Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Updates Galore

Well, we are definitely having a GIRL!! I saw her privates ;) tee hee! I am beside myself with if only we could think of a name for her!!

Jesse died Saturday. Kay is really sad, and I know it's going to be hard on her for awhile. But that poor dog, she had so many health problems! I'm just thankful she isn't suffering anymore.

We sent the kitties to live with Grammy.....should be interesting.

Daniel experienced his first fireworks on the 4th....HE LOVED THEM!! As soon as I get pics developed I'll post them. Didn't take the digital, but we took a disposable. I can't wait to see them.

We're still trying to find a house. It's more pressing than ever before because our landlord is a major pain. I can't wait to get away from here and him!

We still have a mouse. We've put down traps, poison, and tonight we're putting down glue traps. I just don't know if I'll be able to handle seeing the mouse stuck to it, but I think I shall try....I just want it GONE.

Sno cones....still my favorite, though they're doing heavy battle with Olive Garden salad....or better yet : have Olive Garden then head to get a sno cone. YEAH BABY!

The whole Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes thing weirds me out. Anyone else? I find them to be an odd match, and his "Religious" beliefs bother me. Not because of what his Religion is, per se, but because of the way he goes about "promoting" it. Seems weird to me. My friend Erin was a Christian Scientist, and I've never understood it. Never. I even read the book, but it all sounds like poppycock to me.

I have bronchitis. It stinks, because I cough and sound like a seal trying to hack up last week's lunch. Annoying, yes. Harmful, no.

I am going to have some corn chips and go to bed.


Jenn said...

tom cruise weirds me out anyway... i think he is a little bit of an ego maniac. yes, i know, most actors are. but that's not what i am talking about.
all i am sayin' is, there are a few stars that i pray for everyday. billy joel is one, he seems so lost to me. tom cruise is one, he seems so "controll freakish" to me.

okay, on the gossip tip...
tee hee hee!
i heard that his "people" put the word out to a few big actresses of publicly dating him and more than a few turned him down! i guess katie was the, um, winner?

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

Some prize. A washed up weirdo short guy...