Saturday, June 10, 2006

Movie time with Mom and Dad...

We took Daniel to see "Cars" tonight. Here is my review :

The movie runs approximately 2 hours (but it feels like less). It's action-packed, touching, and a nice break from the every day routine. Daniel loved it. It lost his attention now and then, but the big bag of popcorn he was helping to eat kept him right on track!! :)

The voices of the cars are perfect. Mater, voiced by Larry the Cable Guy, is hilarious. It's not the typical LTCG routine, so it's very funny. I actually happen to think he's very funny. He manages to work his two signature lines into the movie. But he's funny because he's funny...I don't care who you are!

Doc is brilliant, but what else would you expect from Paul Newman??

Owen Wilson.....there couldn't have been a better vocal choice for Lightning than him.

Be prepared to really enjoy this movie. Be prepared to forget that these characters are vehicles. It's nice to see Disney/Pixar making a movie without someone's mom dying!

Check in later for an emotional catharsis post.....

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