Friday, June 23, 2006

VBS.....(and the last day of level II)......

VBS starts Sunday! Which, of course, means that we have the all day rehearsal on Saturday!! We're looking forward to it.....or are we?? I'm looking forward to it all being over. But in a way it's sad, because you make all these friendships during the months you're rehearsing then when it's over, the friendships are least until next year. And to me that's sad. It's hard enough to make "real" friends in the first place! Without having to worry about losing them in a month or two! Ah well, such is life. I'm taking my digital camera tomorrow so I'll post some VBS working day pictures tomorrow night. It should be good times all around!

PS today was the official final day of Level 2 Nursing school!!! Only 6 months to go!! HOORAY!! I'll post pics of my group later, too.

1 comment:

Danny Sims said...

Thanks for the prayers for my dad.