Saturday, September 17, 2005


how do you prepare yourself for the arrival of another child? how do you open your heart to the possibility that yes, you can love another child as much as your first? how do you look at yourself in the mirror, without hating yourself for even thinking that in the first place? how do you reconcile looking into your child's eyes and thinking "soon, little one, your world is going to turn upside down" with the inescapable joy that has somehow wormed its way into your heart? how do you know life will be changed for the better after the arrival of the new baby? how do you afford two children? how do you take care of two children under the age of 2? how do you do these things and maintain your sanity?

1 comment:

Wezie said...

Just Do It!!!! I have three and the same thoughts crossed my mind before our second came the time #3 arrived we were tired and outnumbered. Whenever I think it's too much I think of a certain SCS teacher with 5 children and then count my blessings...God has plan and takes care of us.