Saturday, September 24, 2005


Driving home from Target tonight we were passed on the right by a woman driving a small green car with no lights on. It was after 8 pm (CST) and the sun was down. It was dark. The only reason I know the car was green is that she passed us right next to a gas station that was all lit up and I could see the car color. Well, at the light where I needed to turn left to get to our house I look over, thinking maybe I'll roll my window down and tell her that her lights aren't on. That is when I notice that her husband (boyfriend? brother? who knows?) is HOLDING an infant. A small baby girl, who doesn't look any older than 6 months. She's not in a car seat, the woman driving the car hasn't bothered to turn her lights on, and it looks like it's going to storm. The light turned green. She sped off straight, I was frozen to the spot. Car behind me honked at me. I jumped forward, saying a prayer for that baby girl. Lord help me, I will be thinking about that baby forever and ever.

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