Friday, September 21, 2007

Ten Years....

We went to my 10th (?) year High School Homecoming (I say ? because technically LAST year was my 10th year anniversary of my senior year HC...but who's counting right??) and my children had a BLAST. Didn't see as many people as I'd hoped to but those I did see look awesome. Most haven't changed much and that's a comfort....or is it? I think I've changed A LOT but who knows, maybe I haven't changed that much. I'll blog about 10 years in a little while....
Here are my children enjoying the awesome baseball field at Homecoming (it's a combined field and they had a nice alumni tent and catered dinner and basically blocked in from 2nd field to the dugouts....a veritable PLAYGROUND of greatness for my children and C&Y's kiddos too). They had THE BEST TIME!! YAY for my alma mater for making a great place to hang out with our families!


Emily said...

Looks like the ole' Eagle costume has gotten a facelift...definitely a good thing. :)

Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said... think?? It's a much more um, intimidating? looking costume now!

Oh and to clarify, my husband pointed out that I wrote "2nd field" and what i did there was combine "2nd base" and "infield," which is what I was trying to say : they blocked off the entire INFIELD from 2ND BASE to HOME PLATE. :)

jennifer said...

I wish we could have gone! How fun!

Katherine said...

I really wish I could have been there-I am glad it went well!! Who all went from our class? It looked like your kids had a blast!

Maybe we can catch up soon!

Kristen Ballard said...

It looks like they did have fun. Parking is always such a nightmare there, we couldn't go this year. But, will definitely be there next year, for our 10 year!! YUCK- we aren't really that old?? Glad to find your blog. Daniel and Zoe are precious. Zoe looks just like you!