Monday, January 9, 2006

Pre-School Jitters....

No, this isn't a post about Daniel starting me, there will be one of those sooner than I'd like! No, this is a post about me going back to school to pursue a nursing dream.

I start tomorrow. Concorde Career Institute, formerly Extended Health Education. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I am looking forward to tomorrow being "The First Day of The Rest of My Life." I'm excited to be finally doing something productive to help my family financially. I'm thrilled that I'll finally be doing something "real" with my life. I can't wait to make a daily difference in the lives of people I work with and work for. I'm also excited to fulfill a life-long ambition to work in the Medical field. Being a nurse is something I've always come back to, ever since I didn't score high enough on my practice MCAT to get accepted to a "good" Medical School. Not to mention, I couldn't get the Organic Chemistry grades that I needed. Ah well.....obviously God had a different plan for my life.

It feels weird. Following God's Plan feels strange. Not necessarily in a bad way, but just different. While it feels like I'm skydiving without a parachute, in reality I'm just jumping off a building into the largest and softest mattress imagineable. I'm going to land on something amazing, I already know it. But it's scary. I don't know why, but "Letting Go and Letting God" is difficult. Guess that's because I'm a HUGE control freak. But, knowing that someone much more capable is in control is comforting.

So, here goes ..... who knows ..... a year from now, when I'm ready to graduate and start my career, how exciting that will be! HOORAY!!

I bet you $500 I can't sleep tonight. You know how before a big day you can't sleep? I was always that way before trips, before starting school, you name it. ESPECIALLY the night before my wedding! And the night before I was scheduled to be induced with Daniel. And the night before my scheduled c-section with Zoe. I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind, too much to look forward to. Same with tonight.

I hear we hit the ground running tomorrow! I'll be sure to post a picture of me in my uniform for you to admire :) Another life-long dream achieved : wearing scrubs everyday....TO WORK! :)


Emily said...

Oh my goodness I can never sleep before a big event - more so because I'm scared that something is going to happen and my alarm won't go off (cause sometimes it really doesn't. maybe I should buy a new alarm...) and I'll miss it! Hope your first day was fun!!

Danny Sims said...

So how was it?

Joanie said... was it???? I'm afraid your blogging time is gone forever!