Thursday, January 19, 2006

Two Exams....

Well we really do jump right in with both feet....I have two major grade exams on Monday. We're talking about 75% of our final grade happening with our major exams. I'm off the charts (in my own humble opinion) on daily grades in both halves of school. I've made 100 on all quizzes in both classes for the last two days straight. Sweet. I feel much more comfortable with what they want me to learn, which makes me happy. There is a ton of studying, but luckily I get it done between 11-1 when I'm off school.

My theory on studying is this : If I had a good teacher, I should retain what they teach me. In a setting like this (Vocational Learning) what I'm learning is all vital, which means there is nothing "extra" or "useless," which a lot of things in "normal college" are. So, I'm only going to spend 1 hour a day or maybe just a little more through Monday morning studying, and that is basically just learning the facts that are to be regurgitated. All the applications to nursing? I'm good with those. And I'm good on so many levels.

Wow, I think my head is already getting too big to fit through doors. It's nice to understand what is going into my brain, and be able to apply it to every day existence.

For example : we're learning math, which I normally abhor. Guess what? I'm the best in class w/this math. I LOVE this math....why? Because it's practical. It's something I will use every day in my career. So, I have an Exam at 8am over : Evolution of Nursing, Communication, and the Nursing Process. At 1 pm my exam is pure math. I have an opportunity to do something I've never done before : ace a major grade math exam.

The other cool thing? I get to learn to take and assess vital signs starting Monday. Yee Haw.

Someday, I could be your nurse!

1 comment:

Danny Sims said...

You'll be a great nurse.