Monday, February 19, 2007


A Church Home. Is there really anything more comforting for a Christian? Nothing says “belonging” like feeling part of something wonderful, and worshipping alongside other Christians. I suppose the hard part comes when you no longer feel “at home” at your Home. So, what do you do? You go looking for a new Church Home. But you go in a bittersweet way, I think.

How do you leave the Church where you met your spouse? How do you leave the Church where you married your spouse? How do you leave the Church who supported you through the births of your children? But how do you stay? If you do not feel welcome, or part of something greater, or important? How do you stay somewhere you feel doesn’t want you any more?

Ok, so all that aside…when you try a new place, how long do you wait to see if it “fits?”

I was not raised in the Church of Christ, so this whole “stand and greet your neighbors” thing is new to me. But, isn’t the point of it so you might by chance meet a visitor to your Church? Shouldn’t you look around and see who is around you? Very few people turn around if their “Visi-Dar” tells them someone new is behind them. I’ve noticed at EVERY Church I’ve been at, very few people want to greet a visitor. I think it probably has a lot to do with comfort zones, or some such nonsense. My husband is shy. Yeah, really, he is! You wouldn’t guess it by looking at him, but he IS! And he hates meeting new people, so for him to want someone to reach out is a BIG deal. We both want to find a Church Home so desperately that we’re willing to be like Cinderella’s step-sisters in the Grimm Fairy Tales story…cut off a big toe, suffer uncomfortable situations, MAKE it fit. Is that the right thing? Do we just throw ourselves whole-self into a project just because we can? I don’t think that’s really the answer. And I’m NOT saying that’s what we’re doing…I don’t really know what I’m saying. I do not feel well today (if you read my blog you already know that) and it’s manifesting itself in odd ways.

So here goes : we found out that we’re no longer members at our old Church. How we found out, well that’s a funny story…I had online members only access and I tried to get online to find an address and couldn’t get on! Then someone called me and said that we weren’t listed in the membership rolls online, when they were looking for my address or phone number or something. Anyway, they got my information from someone else and called to see what was going on. Now, I know the Church lost a lot of members, and a sermon we heard at another Church really hit home to us, it described our old Church to a “T.” But HOW does someone get deleted from the rolls? We never rescinded our membership. We, in fact, were about a hair away from going back because we didn’t feel good anywhere else. I don’t know, and really I’m not looking for an outpouring of support, or overwhelming emails. (You won’t find my email address in the membership rolls online, so unless you know it you can’t email me anyway ;) !) It’s really gone beyond how my mother in law was treated, or anything like that…it’s much deeper now.

We’ve attended a Church for two weeks now, and it’s been an uplifting experience. The Children’s Worship is (OF COURSE) amazing, and we feel so safe with our kids in there. The service has been fabulous, and the preacher is good. I’ll go right out there and say it : he’s NOT as good as Danny, but he’s really good. But is it HOME? We don’t know. Nobody turned around to greet us the last time we were there. But hey, nobody ever turned around to greet us at our old Home either! (Excpet you, MC Lam.) I think it’s just an epidemic of turning the other way, not noticing, and not making anything “your” problem. But really, turning to us, introducing yourself, and saying hey really won’t make us latch on like leeches!! I promise!!

At least I don’t think so….


jennifer said...

We have also had trouble finding a church home here in NJ. I blame it on the culture of people up here--not friendly, too busy, everyone concerned about themselves and no one else. We have church hopped to no avail. I am with you when you say you wish someone would just reach out and make you feel welcomed. I wish I had some great advice for you...but know that there are other people in the same boat as you! And when you do find a church home, you will probably take a much different approach toward how you treat visitors!

Anonymous said...

First let me say that it was good seeing you at the Italien Cafe last week. I'm not sure you remember me-Jodi Crowell- but we were in His Needs Her Needs together and Julie Reinke and I brought you dinner when you had your kiddos. I was sorry to read your e-mail several months ago stating that you were so unhappy at Altamesa. I think everyone goes thru a time at a church when they feel that they could be happier. Mark and I might have been beginning to feel that way last summer, but God took us down a road that taught us so much about the love of our church. We were involved in church, but were not necessarily feeling like we were getting all we wanted, until the Lord showed us that giving and serving at church is truly what the family of God is about. I know that you heard about Mark's accident around when VBS practice started. The church was AMAZING at showing us what true service was about. The love and encouragement we received was amazing and it strenthened our faith and showed us that being a member of a church family is about serving and taking care of one another. Mark and I have dove in with 2 feet trying to serve at church and feel so much more fulfilled. You and your husband are such a talented couple and really add to VBS every year. I read what you said about being off the Altamesa roll and I think that happened b/c they had a reaffirming your membership thing a couple of months ago and I assume since you all left and weren't there to confirm your desire to worship at Altamesa, then it was assumed those families no longer were worshiping there. I don't know what casued me to e-mail you except that I pray that you find a church home (even if it is back at Altamesa) where you can again serve and know the love of the Lord's family like we have found at Altamesa.
God Bless your family,
Jodi Crowell