Friday, February 16, 2007

So yeah, OH YEAH!!

He's got it, y'all!! Daniel wore underwear ALL DAY LONG today...THE SAME PAIR!! We went to Chili's to meet my Mom and step dad for lunch....gone from the house from 10:45 and at the restaraunt until close to 1. NO ACCIDENT!! We pushed our luck and went to Target on the way home to buy more underwear....he peed in the big potty at Target and was so proud of himself!! NO ACCIDENT!! We got home, peed again, and oh my word....NO ACCIDENT!!!
He has succesfully completed a whole day as a pottying expert. He can tell you exactly where he can pee pee ("on the potty") and the various placces he canNOT pee pee ("the floor," "the car," "the chair," etc). The pooping thing? Well he's trying...and thankfully, no pooping accidents either though he did have a pretty bad one this morning when he woke up!
I can't believe this...all of a sudden it's like it clicked, somewhere between his complete and utter refusal to even TRY on Tuesday to going every time I took him yesterday (a total of 18 times with only 2 small accidents) to his triumphant pottying experience today....he's GROWING UP, wow. And now, I can put him in all those great extra curricular things he wants to do AND he can go in the 3 year olds class at School. I suppose the real test will be whether or not he'll remain accident free tomorrow, and tomorrow night at Church if he'll potty for the ladies at Church....
Here's hoping!!

Way to go Captain Underpants!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

That is exciting!! :)

Well, I am not completely giving up on peanut butter YET...but right now it is an appealing option ;)

I had not been on Greg & Kristin's website in awhile-I was not aware they actually went to go visit her and hold her-that is awesome!! What a beauty! Thanks for directing me there...

Hope the potty training continues to go well! Blessings~