Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Greatest Love Of All

Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all. At least according to Whitney Houston. But what does she know? She's a coked up, strung out ball of uselessness. In my opinion, the greatest love of all is the love God has for us. And He shares that love with us and allows us to love another human being more than we ever thought possible. And He shares with us the ability to love each other unconditionally. But it's not exactly what we do. Instead of loving each other without question, we put limits on it. Or we say "I could love you more if..." or "you don't love me as much as..." and sometimes "someone else could love you/me more..." Instead of not putting limitations on our love for each other, we have to categorize it somehow. WHY? Why can we not just love one another without wavering, without ceasing, and without questioning? I'm trying that right now. I'm trying it with the people who I care about most in this world. And I'm opening myself up to the possibility of being very, very hurt. But guess what, it's already been worth it. And I've promised myself that if I get hurt, not to let it stop me from loving unconditionally ever again. I'm trying to learn to give of myself completely, to allow people to know me...at least the people who want to know me. And I'm trying to learn to love without ceasing, to love without question, and to love without limitations or qualifications. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Oh I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you! She came home on the 4th of July! Everything is great! Thanks for your care and support!