Monday, July 10, 2006

Nursing School Part Two

Today was the first day of level 3...this puts me at a Junior Level Nursing student. Wow. That sounds so official. I can't believe it. But it's true. And I cannot begin to tell you how much I DREADED going today. After two weeks away from all the High School-type drama, I was in NO MOOD to return. But I made a promise to myself and to my children. I WILL graduate, I WILL get my license, and NOBODY is going to stand in my way, especially not "adults" who cannot seem to act their age.

All of that aside, I missed my family today. Probably more than I ever thought would be possible. After sharing such an amazing Spiritual weekend with my husband, and the last two weeks HOME with my children, I realized just exactly what I'm sacrificing by being gone every day. And it stung. And I'm hurting deeply because of it. Pursuing my dream at the expense of another is just not all it's cracked up to be. I feel as though I have somehow abandoned my family (temporarily) while I seek to improve our lives. Have I? Perhaps. Some would say that my place should be always in my home with my children and that I have no right to want to work. But guess what, I DO want to work....I'd MUCH RATHER stay home with my kids all day long, and enjoy my husband in the summers when he's off. But that is a pipe dream for us. Unfortunately they just don't pay teachers what they're worth! Until that day comes, I'm going to have to work. Why not have a career that affords me the ability to feel proud of myself instead of a mindless job? My children deserve to be proud of their mom. And I deserve to have a career that makes my husband proud, too. The fact that I can have some pretty decent money making opportunities doesn't hurt either! :)

So I'll pull myself up by my bootstraps and I'll finish school, because I'm just a few months away from Graduation, and having that license in my hot little hands! :)

1 comment:

Katherine said...

You can do it-you are almost there!! Your kids and husband will be proud of you...but even more than that-you will be proud of yourself, and that is something you can stand on!! Blessings~